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Genesis Touring Bicycles

Until a few months ago, Veronica was a happy owner of a Genesis bicycle.

Being one of the most active brands producing touring and adventure models, Genesis and its new 2021 bicycles will be the focus of this article.

Genesis bicycles: touring models

This brand from Newbury has become very popular among the most productive brands in touring and adventure bicycles: many (Vero among them, who's been riding her Genesis Tour de Fer 20 for more than 2 years). If I can be honest, we're fond of this brand, which produces more than the Tour de Fer: touring, adventure, gravel, bikepacking and mountain bikes... The deals are always interesting!

In our best touring bicycles, we couldn't avoid listing our Genesis Tour de Fer 20, and here we are, talking about all the adventure bicycles by Genesis. 

I can list three specific Genesis bicycles for touring: our beloved Tour de Fer 20, its cheaper brother Tour de Fer 10 and the top product Tour de Fer 30.

Genesis, as said, produces many bicycles, like Croix de Fer (here as well 10,20 and 30 or more models) next to the Vagabond and the Longitude more specific for some offroad. Then we have the cheap CDA (10, 20 and 30) and the luxurious ones Fugio and Datum, which are Gravel Bicycles. We're definitely going to talk about these ones... but for now let's stick to the original plan: classic Genesis touring bicycles.

bici da viaggio genesis tour de fer 20

Genesis Tour de Fer 10: technical specs

  • Type: touring bicycle
  • Frame: Double-Butted Chromoly Genesis Mjolnir 
  • Fork: Genesis Chromoly 
  • Saddle: Genesis
  • Transmission: Shimano Sora 3x9 50/39/30 - 11/32 (DB) - Shimano Alivio 3x9 48/36/26 - 11/32 (FB)
  • Brakes: Promax DSK 717 mechanical disks, 160mm rotor
  • Rims: Jalco XCD22, 32h
  • Tyres: Schwalbe Marathon Mondial, 700x35c
  • Weight: 14,2 kg
  • Max. load: N.A.
  • Accessories: Tubus Cargo rear rack, mudguards
  • Price: 1499 € (DB) - 1249 € (FB)

Tour de Fer 10 2020

Genesis Tour de Fer 10 DropBar - model 2020 (we'll be updating the pictures to 2021 as soon as they're released)

Genesis Tour de Fer 10: inexpensive and solid

This is a very attractive deal. Tour de Fer 10 is the cheapest model among the Tour de Fer family members, but still, it's very helpful for those who want to start travelling without spending too much. Actually, in 2021 we'll have a flat bar model too, even cheaper because of the Alivio derailleur, with fast gears to climb every wall. Double-butted Genesis Mjolnir steel frame, steel spokes (32 instead of 36), mechanical disk brakes: this Genesis bicycle is clearly designed for trustworthiness on the short and medium distances. Its 3x9 chainset on both versions (harder on the drop bar one) and the 700x35c rims help us figure out that this Genesis bike is suitable for people who love easy rides, mainly on paved roads or easy unpaved ones, like North European bike paths or cycleways. With the flat bar version, you can dare a little bit more.

This model is ideal for beginners who want to do more than the usual ride near home

Genesis Tour de Fer 20: technical specs

  • Type: touring bicycle
  • Frame: Chromoly Raynolds 725
  • Fork: Genesis Chromoly
  • Saddle: Genesis
  • Transmission: Shimano Deore 3x10 44/32/24 - 11/34
  • Brakes: Promax DSK 717 mechanical disks, 160mm rotors
  • Rims: Sun Ringle Rhyno Lite
  • Tyres: Schwalbe Marathon Mondial 700x35c
  • Weight: 15,4 kg
  • Max. load: N.A.
  • Accessories: Tubus Cargo rear rack, Tubus Tara front rack, mudguards, Shimano Dynamo Hub with B&M lights 
  • Price: 1849 €

tour de fer 20 2020

Genesis Tour de Fer 20 - model 2020 (we'll be updating the pictures to 2021 as soon as they're released)

Genesis Tour de Fer 20: born to face long distances

This is the bike Veronica used for the last three years, riding our #noplansjourney through Italy and Europe for more than one year. One of the few touring bicycles with flat bar handlebar. Its solid and great 3x10 Shimano Deore allows choosing among many gears, the Raynolds 725 frame and the Sun Ringle Rhyno Lite rims last very long. This Genesis bicycle is ready to use when it arrives: Tubus front and a rear rack, dynamo hub (Shimano instead of last year's Shutter Precision, unfortunately) powering B&M lights, mudguards. Mechanical disk brakes, 35c Schwalbe Marathon Mondial (the biggest problem for this bike, because of the type of trips we face with Vero, is the clearance of 42mm max!), and flat bar with an 18mm rise, which guarantees more comfort. 

Tour de Fer 20 is ideal to face long great trips, especially if you're used to upright positions and comfort on long-distance.

Genesis Tour de Fer 30: technical specs

  • Type: touring bicycle
  • Frame: Chromoly Raynolds 725
  • Fork: Genesis Chromoly
  • Saddle: Genesis
  • Transmission: Shimano Tiagra 3x10 50/39/30 - 11/32
  • Brakes: TRP Spyre C mechanical disks, 160mm rotors
  • Rims: Sun Ringle Rhyno Lite
  • Tyres: Schwalbe Marathon Mondial 700x35c
  • Weight: 15,4 kg
  • Max. load: N.A.
  • Accessories: Tubus Cargo rear rack, Tubus Tara front rack, mudguards, Shimano Dynamo Hub with B&M lights 
  • Price: 2249 €

tour de fer 30 2020

Genesis Tour de Fer 30 - model 2020 (we'll be updating the pictures to 2021 as soon as they're released)

Genesis Tour de Fer 30: travelling without compromises

I would like to call the TdF30 a roady Genesis Tour de Fer 20. This model features a drop-bar, TRP brakes instead of Promax and a Shimano Tiagra transmission, definitely more roady and with longer gear, for light and trained travellers. Although Genesis calls TdF 30 "the bike to start world travelling", I personally think this could be it only if you have some experience in bicycle touring and a good leg to push the bike and its load on the many hills you'll face. For sure this is a versatile bike, without a rear rack and mudguards you can ride on all the secondary roads near your place or for a bikepacking weekend on the gravel roads.

Genesis Bicycles: Bikejamming + Life in Travel special offer

We blindly trust Barbara and Stefano's suggestions from, e-commerce dedicated to bikes in general, especially touring bikes. They're competent, professional and lovely folks. This could be one of the reasons to choose them to buy your Genesis bicycle.

But listen, this isn't all! Because this year, if you'd like to buy a Genesis bicycle, you can take Barbara and Stefano's special offer dedicated to the readers of this blog, Life in Travel. 

As you know, Vero and I have been travelling for years with Crosso bags being very happy about them. If you buy a Genesis bicycle, you can have Crosso bags for free: isn't this lovely? Just fill up your bags, put them on the rack and go! 

This is the offer:

  • if you buy a Genesis Tour de Fer 30, you'll get a pair of 60 L Crosso Dry Bags  
  • if you buy a Genesis Tour de Fer 20, you'll get a pair of 30 L Crosso Dry Bags
  • if you buy a Genesis Tour de Fer 10, or another Genesis bicycle, you'll get a 40 L Crosso Tube Dry Bag and a rear rack bungee.

Buy your new Genesis bicycle using the code LTGTDF2021

If you're interested, contact Barbara and Stefano at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., by writing the code LTGTDF2021.

Or call them: +39 02 8719 6318

Be wild, ride free!

Last modified: 26 December 2024
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Francesco G
Piemontese, 33 anni, socio di Life in Travel dallo scorso anno. 
Dopo aver iniziato totalmente a caso, mi sono avvicinato sempre più al mondo della bicicletta.
Oggi posso definirmi un cicloviaggiatore/videomaker che non smetterebbe mai.
Pedalo per cercare di capire perché i cicloviaggi siano così belli, ricchi, terapeutici.
E ogni volta, immancabilmente non lo comprendo.
Così riparto...
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