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Life in Travel is a way of life.

It is the desire for travel, emotions and adventure. It is search, without break, to bring to fulfilment our dreams. It is the will to explore the unknown, not to stop, not to fear the unexplored. It is inspiration and suggestion, it is love for nature and for our wonderful planet. It is sharing.
Life in Travel

Life in Travel is, above all, a bicycle touring travel blog. For years, Life in Travel's objective has been to get as many travelers as possible into the saddle, promoting cycle tourism and bike trips in our country. Through the blog and social channels we try to make our readers passionate about this magnificent ecological and sustainable means of travel.

Chi sono



Bicycle Traveller

Leo, cycle traveller and cyclist with a passion for the web and sharing. I love cycle touring and have been doing it for decades. The perfect trip for me is the one that leads me to travel by bike to discover lesser-known, remote and possibly little-frequented places.

Let's be clear, the weekend in the splendid cities of Italian or European art doesn't disgust me! But if I have to get on a flight to stay away from home for more than a week, well don't come looking for me in a tourist village!

Nature, adventure, wild... my passion is fueled by this and I try to tell you as much as possible about this!

You can also find Life in Travel on our social network: if you miss us too much, follow us on instagram or on our facebook page. If you want to watch some video here is our youtube channel

Last modified: 28 December 2024
Author Image

Viaggiatore lento con il pallino per la scrittura e la fotografia. Se non è in viaggio ama perdersi lungo i mille sentieri che solcano le splendide Dolomiti del suo Trentino, sia a piedi che in mountain bike. Eterno Peter Pan che ama realizzare i propri sogni senza lasciarli per troppo tempo nel cassetto, dopo un anno di Working holiday in Australia e dieci mesi in bici nel Sud est asiatico, ora sogna la panamericana... sempre in bici, s'intende!

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    · 1 years ago
    Great advice and route ideas. My wife and I have been traveling for 2.5 years now and are in Chioggia, Italy as part of our ongoing tour. I have been having trouble with my bike rims so your article was super helpful. I especially love your quote at the end!!! Safe travels! 
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