is one of the most important bicycle touring blog in Italy.
Born in 2007, it has grown over the years and today on its pages there are thousands of articles with information for those who love cycling, travel and mountain biking. Below you can find useful information about, what we do, the previous collaborations we have started, the publications and interviews that have seen us involved over the years, what we can offer and how you can contact us.
This doesn't want to be a self-congratulatory page but only a collection of pieces from our history that can guide you back in our journey of travellers, bloggers and photographers. We are always interested in starting collaborations with companies, tourism agencies, accommodation facilities for projects around the world of tourism and in particular the promotion of cycling, travel by bike or adventure.
We await your contact to be able to know and collaborate because man, after all, is and will always be a social animal!
We have been collaborating for many years with tourism board, companies and media agencies, spreading the beauties of our planet through articles, images, videos and posts on various social networks. Some of the possible collaborations are:
How to collaborate
- Participation in events and press trips/blog trips to promote the territory from the point of view of the bicycle touring.
- Reviews of products and material sent by companies as technical sponsors during our travels and our mountain bike excursions
- Banner/display campaigns in different positions with high visibility on the site
- Insertion of a personal page of hotels and accommodation facilities that offer services to cyclists and hikers on the site connected to our network
- The publication, on request, of sponsored posts with commercial links or social placement on our channels
- Creation of editorial products to be distributed free of charge
- We are always interested in new forms of collaboration with you: if you have a proposal to make us, however bizarre it may be, we will be here to listen to it
Media Kit

- About us: short description to understand who we are and what our mission is
- Stats: some numbers... visitors, origin, permanence and others
- Social media: the numbers of our main social network channels... facebook, twitter, Instagram, youtube...
- Useful resources: what Life in Travel offers to its reader
- Services: what we can do for you
Past collaborations

- Interviews on the radio show Imbarco Immediato of Raffaele Rosselli on RaiRadio1 to speak about bicycle touring and travels.
- Many newspapers (Bicisport, Star Bene, L'Adige, Trentino...) write about our recent Guide of Trentino cycle paths.
- On Smemoranda blog there is one interview about our new book
- On July 2016 our second book has been published: Guide of Trentino cycle paths.
- speaks about our new book and about
- In October 2015 our first book has been published "Cicloturismo per tutti - Come organizzare una vacanza in bicicletta", from Ediciclo Editore.
- On Repubblica Travel Blog, got a mention between the most "sporty" travel blog.
- It was a pleasure to be mentioned between the most influenceful blog about cycling in Italy by Sole 24 Ore.
- Even Io Donna mentions lifeintravel as a source of information for bicycle tourists and travellers
- Our picture Dawn in Gibson Desert has been published in the book Partire of CTS.
- Many others interviews and publications through the years