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Bicicletta e libertà

Nothing like the bicycle speaks about freedom and humanity: this incredible two-wheeler means of transportation allows to live sustainably, to explore, to reach unthinkable places. There are many ways to tribute the bicycle, there are some famous quotes about it and about the sensations it gives, about its qualities and peculiarities, so I thought to propose you the 50 most beautiful quotes about bicycle and freedom! 

It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and coast down them. Thus you remember them as they actually are, while in a motor car only a high hill impresses you, and you have no such accurate remembrance of country you have driven through as you gain by riding a bicycle.

Ernest Hemingway

Travel enriches and teaches, it is a teacher of life. The bicycle is a faithful friend who can take you wherever you want to go. Travelling by bike is full of strong emotions: the challenges and fatigue are at first discouraging, disappointing and upsetting... But then, if you have an indomitable spirit, you don’t let yourself be defeated by the inertia and routine, since following the road revealed to us by our emotions is the only way we have of truly living.

Gillian Klempner Willman

The bicycle teaches what effort is, what means going up and down - not only on mountains, but in fortunes and sorrows - it teaches how to live. Cycling is a long travel seraching for your true self.

Ivan Basso

You don't stop pedalling when you grow old, but you grow old when you stop pedalling. 


Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.

Albert Einstein

Contrary to what happens when I drive my car, where the landscape allows to be seen and not to be, on a bicycle I sit on the middle of it.

Paul Fournel

When you leave, the weight of your luggage shocks you. When you come back, it's the weight of memories.


One learns more from traveling a thousand miles than from reading a thousand scrolls.

Chinese proverb

Let your adventurous spirit always lead you move on to discover the world around you with its quirks and its wonders. Discover it will mean, for you, love him.

Kahlil Gibran

A journey, after all, neither begins in the instant we set out, nor ends when we have reached our door step once again. It starts much earlier and is really never over.

Ryszard Kapuscinski

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain

The most dangerous thing to do is standing still.

William Burroughs

To travel! leave countries behind! Be someone else indefinitely, having a soul without roots! [...] Move ahead always, follow the absence of any dead end, and having the wish to reach it!

Fernando Pessoa

But the true travellers are those who go / only to get away: hearts like balloons / unballasted, with their own fate aglow, / who know not why they fly with the monsoons: / those whose desires are in the shape of clouds.

Charles Baudelaire

Leaving is the most beautiful and courageous of all the action. A joy selfish perhaps, but a joy, for the one who knows how to value freedom. Being alone, without needs, strangers, foreigners and yet feel at home everywhere, and starting to conquer the world.

Isabelle Eberhardt

castelluccio e la bici

Make voyages. Attempt them. There's nothing else.

Tennessee Williams

The bicycle is the noblest invention of mankind.

William Saroyan

When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of riding a bike.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

With no other invention business is so closely mixed with pleasure as with bicycle.

Adam Opel

The bicycle's is the only chain that sets you free.


Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling.

James E. Starrs

Who fears every cloud, never leaves!


bike italy

The bicycle is the most civilized conveyance known to man. Other forms of transport grow daily more nightmarish. Only the bicycle remains pure in heart.

Iris Murdoch

Dont't be afraid of moving slowly. be afraid of stopping.


Fly like a bird: here's the dream; ride on a bike: here's the pleasure. Be young again, you become a poet.

Alfredo Oriani

The heaven is not on Earth, but who rides a bicycle reaches it anyway.

Mauro Parrini

None of our small daily suffering resists to a good ride. Sadness, melancholia… we ride our bicycle and from the first movement we can feel like a veil broke.

Didier Tronchet

sterrato umbria in mtb

Bicycle wheels are like the hands of a clock: they turn slowly, but they can go really fast, rolling towards the future unhurried.

Enrico Caracciolo

The car is too fast, traveling on foot too slow. The bicycle is the equilibrium.

André Billy

The bicycle is the pen writing on the asphalt.

Guy Demaysoncel

Pharmacopoeia doesn't have any medicine, depurative or relaxing like this mixture of iron and steel.

Dr Blackland

Bicycle is beautiful for what it gives to you. It makes you feel good, it gives the possibility to feel, talk, see the world from another perspective. It makes you come back in time. It makes you a boy again.

Davide Cassani

Life is a "cycle".

Luigi Testi

Bicycling… is the nearest approximation I know to the flight of birds. The airplane simply carries a man on its back like an obedient Pegasus; it gives him no wings of his own.

Louis J. Helle, Jr.

Bicycles have a soul. If you can love them, they'll give you emotions that you'll never forget.

Mario Cipollini

A bicycle ride, even only a 40 or 50 km ride can put your confused ideas in order.

Jean-Noël Blanc

People who ride a bicycle know that in life nothing is ever flat.

René Fallet

Another sign of its incomparable grace is that the bicycle is the only machine that can be driven by a child.

Mauro Parrini

Riding a cyclette is like surfing in a Jacuzzi.

Didier Tronchet

The bicycle is the visible image of the wind.

Cesare Angelini

When you see a dreamy cyclist, don't trust his inoffensive and benevolent look: he's preparing to conquer the world.

Didier Tronchet

Bikes are social catalysts that attract a superior category of people.

Chip Brown

Riding a bicycle is a way to harmonize life with time and space: it is to go and to stay in measures still human.

Sergio Zavoli

Cyclism is the top poetic expression of our human body. A bicycle is worth a library.

Alfredo Oriani

Bicycle embodies the mith of the free man.

Aligi Sassu

So many emotions, so much fulfillment and satisfaction! Bicycle is what I'm feeling today. It is a means of transportation, but also and above all a lifestyle. The lifestyle of who lives in first person the dimension of slowness, of who enjoys and doesn't divour, sips and doesn't gulp down, uses and doesn't consume, sees inside but doesn't look, stops and doesn't run away...

Alberto Fiorin

Going uphill is a narrow path: it brings you where life is blessed.

Gianluca Favetto

"...It is generous with the cyclist because he cuts so much air, in every time of year and with every temperature, that he is in a good mood and energy, that he is cleaned from the stress. It starts thoughts, like a physical law, it makes them drip one by one: plik, plik, plik. It's like they sound in his head, forming stalactites. Bicycle requires essenciality, efficiency, simplicity, even in clothing. It is outside fashion, but has and inspires a personal style in who uses it on a daily basis. It is enchantment in the mornings and magic in the evenings..."

Emilio Rigatti

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.

Last modified: 03 June 2024
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Francesco G
Piemontese, 33 anni, socio di Life in Travel dallo scorso anno. 
Dopo aver iniziato totalmente a caso, mi sono avvicinato sempre più al mondo della bicicletta.
Oggi posso definirmi un cicloviaggiatore/videomaker che non smetterebbe mai.
Pedalo per cercare di capire perché i cicloviaggi siano così belli, ricchi, terapeutici.
E ogni volta, immancabilmente non lo comprendo.
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